A Unique Look at the Science of Endurance & Recovery

A Unique Look at the Science of Endurance & Recovery

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A Unique Look at the Science of Endurance & Recovery


One of the primary reasons for supplementing with BCAAs is to trigger muscle repair via protein synthesis as well as lower post-workout soreness. Their benefits are described in detail in an earlier dedicated post Get The ANSwer on BCAAs. But to recap, during endurance activities, BCAA levels decrease because they get consumed by skeletal muscle for energy. Decreased Valine levels in particular can modify neurotransmitter balance to enhance the perception of fatigue. Using BCAAs while you workout can help maintain adequate levels to prevent that perceived exhaustion, offer additional fuel for your muscles and protect against muscle breakdown (catabolism).

Coupling BCAAs with other ingredients like Taurine can further enhance endurance and reduce post-workout muscle soreness. Learn more here: Muscle Horsepower!

Other supplementation strategies for enhancing muscle performance and endurance can include: (i) enhancing blood flow to the muscles via nitric oxide modulation – more blood availability can mean more oxygen and nutrient delivery to working muscles; (ii) lactic acid buffering – during anaerobic activity, the production of lactic acid is associated with the ‘burn’ that you may feel in those last couple reps; and (iii) anti-oxidant use to fight against potential free radical damage that can occur with strenuous exercise.

In this article we’ll explore a couple of ingredients that can satisfy all 3 strategies and enhance muscle endurance to get your performance to the next level!

Citrulline Malate

Citrulline malate is simply a salt formed with the combination of L-Citrulline and Malic acid. We’ll take a look at the benefits of each of the components individually, since this is truly a 2-in-1 wonder compound.

Citrulline is known as the ‘pump’ amino acid. It has been clinically shown to be much more effective than supplementing with arginine at raising serum arginine levels. This is important since arginine is a key substrate in nitric oxide production. Studies suggest that Citrulline increases the rate of ATP synthesis during exercise and greater phosphocreatine recovery after exercise. Citrulline also supports reduced lactic acid and ammonia levels, which leads to better muscle performance and increased endurance. This is one of the key reasons why it’s one of our absolute favorite ingredients and is found in both our Pre-Workout formula’s – Ritual and Dilate.

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