ANS Performance offers FREE Shipping on ALL Orders over $79 CAD.
- $9.99 (before taxes) flat shipping fee on all orders.
If you place an order before 12 pm EST Mon-Fri, your order will typically ship the same day. All orders ship from our warehouse in Ontario, Canada. Delivery timelines can range from 1-2 days locally, up to 5-7 business days for the most eastern and western Canadian provinces, and up to 10 days for the US.
Return & Refund Policy
We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with your products and experience.
You can return any unopened items within 30 days for a full refund.
If you aren't satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can contact us to arrange return of your product to our warehouse within 30 days of purchase.
The Goods must be returned to us within 30 days of your telling us you wish to process the return: with both goods and all packaging in their original condition, securely wrapped, including our delivery slip and at your risk and cost.
After we have received the Goods, we will credit your account with the full purchase price of the goods returned no later than 30 days from the date of receipt; If you do not return the Goods to us, you are still liable to us for the cost.
How to request a return:
We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from If you are not satisfied with an item that you have purchased, you may return the item within 30 days from the order date for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping/handling. The item must be returned, unused, in good condition, in original boxes (whenever possible), and with all paperwork and accessories to ensure full credit.
To begin processing any type of return, please contact our Customer Service team by calling 1-888-385-9169 or emailing and provide your name, the order number, and the reason for returning the product. This includes if a product you receive is damaged during shipment, arrives after its expiration date, or is not what you ordered.
Please email for return address information and assistance with your return. Please allow for up to 30 days for your return to be processed.
Still have questions?
You can send a message to us through the website, email us at or leave a message with our amazing Customer Service team at 1-888-385-9169.